DigitalCommons@USU - Student Research Symposium: A Proposed Change to the Beautiful Game's Most Important Event




Jon M. Huntsman School of Business


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Cree Taylor

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


FIFA is proposing and researching the feasibility for a biennial World Cup instead of the four year intervals that are currently in place. They are doing so to hopefully involve more countries into the tournament and gain more revenue to further development of international soccer. This study is to investigate whether or not this change in frequency of the World Cup would be better or worse for the tournament and all those that would be affected. Research was conducted by gathering information using a library database and reading primary sources along with other articles by those with different perspectives and expertise. Analysis of these different articles concluded that FIFA should not change the frequency of the World Cup. The research concludes that the social and economic benefits from a World Cup every two years are out weighted by the drawbacks that would occur if such a change took place. On this basis it is recommended that FIFA keep the same World Cup schedule that they already have in place. Further research is needed to come up with other solutions to fix the problems and gain the benefits that FIFA was trying to obtain in this proposal.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-8-2022 12:00 AM


Apr 8th, 12:00 AM

A Proposed Change to the Beautiful Game's Most Important Event

Logan, UT

FIFA is proposing and researching the feasibility for a biennial World Cup instead of the four year intervals that are currently in place. They are doing so to hopefully involve more countries into the tournament and gain more revenue to further development of international soccer. This study is to investigate whether or not this change in frequency of the World Cup would be better or worse for the tournament and all those that would be affected. Research was conducted by gathering information using a library database and reading primary sources along with other articles by those with different perspectives and expertise. Analysis of these different articles concluded that FIFA should not change the frequency of the World Cup. The research concludes that the social and economic benefits from a World Cup every two years are out weighted by the drawbacks that would occur if such a change took place. On this basis it is recommended that FIFA keep the same World Cup schedule that they already have in place. Further research is needed to come up with other solutions to fix the problems and gain the benefits that FIFA was trying to obtain in this proposal.