Caine College of the Arts
Music Department
Faculty Mentor
Allison Fox
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Neurologic Music Therapy(NMT) is an interdisciplinary training, unaffiliated with the music therapy profession. NMT is a world wide medical organization that specializes in research, techniques and practices that specialize in the brain's relationship with music. Due to the broad nature of the music therapy profession, many undergraduate students either briefly know about NMT or don't know anything about it at all. Research has proven the effectiveness of NMT techniques and principles, but no one has examined the worth of NMT training when combined with music therapy education and clinical experience.My project examines and analyzes the effect of NMT on the music therapist and shows that as a music therapist (or student) continues to utilize NMT into a clinical setting, their own approach and way of understanding different music therapy processes changes. In adding an outside perspective to foundational elements of music therapy through the interdisciplinary NMT training a music therapist internalizes skills necessary to assess and respond to clientele, use different musical elements more purposefully, is overall more detailed and prepared for the expected and unexpected music therapy experiences.
Logan, UT
Start Date
4-11-2023 2:30 PM
End Date
4-11-2023 3:30 PM
Included in
The Value of Neurologic Music Therapy for a Student Music Therapist
Logan, UT
Neurologic Music Therapy(NMT) is an interdisciplinary training, unaffiliated with the music therapy profession. NMT is a world wide medical organization that specializes in research, techniques and practices that specialize in the brain's relationship with music. Due to the broad nature of the music therapy profession, many undergraduate students either briefly know about NMT or don't know anything about it at all. Research has proven the effectiveness of NMT techniques and principles, but no one has examined the worth of NMT training when combined with music therapy education and clinical experience.My project examines and analyzes the effect of NMT on the music therapist and shows that as a music therapist (or student) continues to utilize NMT into a clinical setting, their own approach and way of understanding different music therapy processes changes. In adding an outside perspective to foundational elements of music therapy through the interdisciplinary NMT training a music therapist internalizes skills necessary to assess and respond to clientele, use different musical elements more purposefully, is overall more detailed and prepared for the expected and unexpected music therapy experiences.