


Caine College of the Arts


Art and Design Department

Faculty Mentor

Susie Tibbitts

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


When researching the best way to design for a retirement community living center (RCLC) there were a couple specifics I wanted to focus on. The first being color, specifically how color can help direct people around a specific spaces (wayfinding). The RCLC is a large building, getting lost can easily happen for seniors. The second is how lighting and color of light can effect the health and safety of the seniors living in the RCLC.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2023 10:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2023 11:30 AM


Apr 11th, 10:30 AM Apr 11th, 11:30 AM

Retirement Community Living Center

Logan, UT

When researching the best way to design for a retirement community living center (RCLC) there were a couple specifics I wanted to focus on. The first being color, specifically how color can help direct people around a specific spaces (wayfinding). The RCLC is a large building, getting lost can easily happen for seniors. The second is how lighting and color of light can effect the health and safety of the seniors living in the RCLC.