


College of Science


Physics Department

Faculty Mentor

Maria J. Rodriguez

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


One of the many aspects we can characterize for black holes is their behavior under perturbations, like waves for example. This presentation will focus on the study of this dynamics through the obtention of the so-called Love Numbers for Black Holes. Those parameters used to determine the tidal response to perturbations, are known in the literature for vanishing in the case of 4-dimensional solutions. By analyzing different of black holes in 5 dimensions, we attempt to determine if that condition is extrapolable to higher dimensional cases.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2023 10:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2023 11:30 AM

Included in

Physics Commons


Apr 11th, 10:30 AM Apr 11th, 11:30 AM

What is Love for a Black Hole?

Logan, UT

One of the many aspects we can characterize for black holes is their behavior under perturbations, like waves for example. This presentation will focus on the study of this dynamics through the obtention of the so-called Love Numbers for Black Holes. Those parameters used to determine the tidal response to perturbations, are known in the literature for vanishing in the case of 4-dimensional solutions. By analyzing different of black holes in 5 dimensions, we attempt to determine if that condition is extrapolable to higher dimensional cases.