Signals Conveying Teachers’ Readiness for Change in Next Generation Science Professional Development
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Department
Faculty Mentor
Hillary Swanson
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Change in the domain of education is complex. Research has begun to uncover factors that influence the success of proposed initiatives. This paper examines factors influencing science teachers as they wrestle with implementing innovative teaching practices. We present a theoretical framework that unpacks a construct we call signals of readiness for change (readiness signals). We define readiness signals as elements of teachers’ talk that signal a teacher’s sentiment toward a proposed initiative. Signals often reflect tensions that must be resolved for initiatives like the Next Generation Science Standards to succeed and endure. These tensions exist in teacher beliefs, confidence in their ability to implement innovative practices, and motivation to invest in change. The investigation of readiness signals adds insights into struggles surrounding the adoption of change in education.
Logan, UT
Start Date
4-11-2023 12:30 PM
End Date
4-11-2023 1:30 PM
Signals Conveying Teachers’ Readiness for Change in Next Generation Science Professional Development
Logan, UT
Change in the domain of education is complex. Research has begun to uncover factors that influence the success of proposed initiatives. This paper examines factors influencing science teachers as they wrestle with implementing innovative teaching practices. We present a theoretical framework that unpacks a construct we call signals of readiness for change (readiness signals). We define readiness signals as elements of teachers’ talk that signal a teacher’s sentiment toward a proposed initiative. Signals often reflect tensions that must be resolved for initiatives like the Next Generation Science Standards to succeed and endure. These tensions exist in teacher beliefs, confidence in their ability to implement innovative practices, and motivation to invest in change. The investigation of readiness signals adds insights into struggles surrounding the adoption of change in education.