Presenter Information

Marianne Hale, Utah State University




College of Humanities and Social Sciences


English Department

Faculty Mentor

Christine Cooper-Rompato

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


I will be analyzing two of the works of Thomas of Cantimpré. An initial study of the secondary literature surrounding Christina the Astonishing and Margaret of Ypres showed a lack of attention to the witnesses used by Thomas. I researched primary and secondary literature surrounding the hagiographies of Margaret of Ypres and Christina the Astonishing and the function of witnesses in secular and religious courts to generate guidelines to assess how witnesses were used. What I found is that Thomas used many kinds of witnesses from various levels in society and various relationships to the subjects. The preponderance of his witness testimony is what makes the witnesses effective both for his 13th century audience and a 21st century audience. Thomas used the witnesses to establish credibility for his subjects, but also for himself. His use of these witnesses created a strong case for the goodness of his subjects, Christina and Margaret, and also established Thomas as a just and worthy hagiographer because he had a source for every claim.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2023 12:30 PM

End Date

4-11-2023 1:30 PM


Apr 11th, 12:30 PM Apr 11th, 1:30 PM

Incredible Witnesses: ​An Analysis of Thomas of Cantimpré’s Use of Witnesses in the Lives of Christina the Astonishing and Margaret of Ypres

Logan, UT

I will be analyzing two of the works of Thomas of Cantimpré. An initial study of the secondary literature surrounding Christina the Astonishing and Margaret of Ypres showed a lack of attention to the witnesses used by Thomas. I researched primary and secondary literature surrounding the hagiographies of Margaret of Ypres and Christina the Astonishing and the function of witnesses in secular and religious courts to generate guidelines to assess how witnesses were used. What I found is that Thomas used many kinds of witnesses from various levels in society and various relationships to the subjects. The preponderance of his witness testimony is what makes the witnesses effective both for his 13th century audience and a 21st century audience. Thomas used the witnesses to establish credibility for his subjects, but also for himself. His use of these witnesses created a strong case for the goodness of his subjects, Christina and Margaret, and also established Thomas as a just and worthy hagiographer because he had a source for every claim.