


College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences


Family, Consumer, and Human Development Department

Faculty Mentor

Maryann Schneider

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


The goal of this experiment was to evaluate if the micro-differences in protein content of bread flour made a difference in volume, air cell size, appearance, texture and flavor of sourdough bread. The flour used in this experiment included Bob’s Red Mill Artisan Bread Flour, Big J Mill Golden Loaf Bread Flour, Gold Medal Bread Flour. The protein contents were 13%, 12.7%, and 10.5%, respectively. The bread was baked using a standard recipe with only the brand of bread flour varying from sample to sample. The samples were then objectively and subjectively measured. Volume of bread samples of equal weight were measured using the seed displacement method. Air cell size was measured by taking a measurement of the approximate area of the largest air cell in a sample of bread. A sensory evaluation was used to evaluate desirability of appearance, texture and flavor of the three breads. No significant differences were found in the protein content of the flour used and the impact of volume, air cell size, appearance, texture and flavor of the baked sourdough bread.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-12-2023 10:30 AM

End Date

4-12-2023 11:30 AM


Apr 12th, 10:30 AM Apr 12th, 11:30 AM

How Does Protein Content of Flour Affect Sourdough Bread?

Logan, UT

The goal of this experiment was to evaluate if the micro-differences in protein content of bread flour made a difference in volume, air cell size, appearance, texture and flavor of sourdough bread. The flour used in this experiment included Bob’s Red Mill Artisan Bread Flour, Big J Mill Golden Loaf Bread Flour, Gold Medal Bread Flour. The protein contents were 13%, 12.7%, and 10.5%, respectively. The bread was baked using a standard recipe with only the brand of bread flour varying from sample to sample. The samples were then objectively and subjectively measured. Volume of bread samples of equal weight were measured using the seed displacement method. Air cell size was measured by taking a measurement of the approximate area of the largest air cell in a sample of bread. A sensory evaluation was used to evaluate desirability of appearance, texture and flavor of the three breads. No significant differences were found in the protein content of the flour used and the impact of volume, air cell size, appearance, texture and flavor of the baked sourdough bread.