


Caine College of the Arts


Art and Design Department

Faculty Mentor

Susie Tibbitts

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


In 2020, I met a young boy named Robert who was brought to Logan Utah, from Uganda due to being a victim of sacrificial witchcraft. Since then, I've kept in touch with Robert and the organizations that help protect children in Uganda. After learning of this cruelty, my thoughts and emotions have been consumed with one question “how can I help?”. My research has allowed me to see how I could apply my undergraduate Interior Architecture and Design knowledge to create a Surgical center in a location they feel safe, the Kyampisi Childcare Ministry (KCM) compound.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2023 2:30 PM

End Date

4-11-2023 3:30 PM


Apr 11th, 2:30 PM Apr 11th, 3:30 PM

Robert: Sacrificial Witchcraft in Uganda

Logan, UT

In 2020, I met a young boy named Robert who was brought to Logan Utah, from Uganda due to being a victim of sacrificial witchcraft. Since then, I've kept in touch with Robert and the organizations that help protect children in Uganda. After learning of this cruelty, my thoughts and emotions have been consumed with one question “how can I help?”. My research has allowed me to see how I could apply my undergraduate Interior Architecture and Design knowledge to create a Surgical center in a location they feel safe, the Kyampisi Childcare Ministry (KCM) compound.