Presenter Information

Abhay Katyal, Utah State University




College of Science


Physics Department

Faculty Mentor

Oscar Varela

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation


The Standard Model of particle physics is arguably the most accurate and successful theory humanity has created. However, it is unable to incorporate Einstein's theory of gravity, so we explored a theory named Supergravity, which can unify the two pillars of physics. This theory operates in 11 dimensions, where 6 of them are extremely small and curled up, undetectable by the current energy levels of particle detectors. We incorporate the energies of the compactified dimensions into the graviton, a usually massless particle. We are then able to calculate the effective mass spectrum of the graviton to probe into the additional dimensions and extract information about conformal field theories.


Logan, UT

Start Date

4-11-2023 11:30 AM

End Date

4-11-2023 12:30 PM

Included in

Physics Commons


Apr 11th, 11:30 AM Apr 11th, 12:30 PM

Energy Modes of Gravitons

Logan, UT

The Standard Model of particle physics is arguably the most accurate and successful theory humanity has created. However, it is unable to incorporate Einstein's theory of gravity, so we explored a theory named Supergravity, which can unify the two pillars of physics. This theory operates in 11 dimensions, where 6 of them are extremely small and curled up, undetectable by the current energy levels of particle detectors. We incorporate the energies of the compactified dimensions into the graviton, a usually massless particle. We are then able to calculate the effective mass spectrum of the graviton to probe into the additional dimensions and extract information about conformal field theories.