Presenter and Co-Presenter(s)

Kierstin Dewey, Utah State UniversityFollow


Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services


Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Department

Faculty Mentor

Stephanie Knollhoff


Approximately 420,000 childhood cancer survivors are currently living in the United States. The rise in survival rates makes the need for professionals to help improve quality of life for pediatric cancer survivors a high priority.

Speech and swallowing can be largely impacted In children receiving radiation therapy for cancers of the head, neck, or brain (hereafter referred to as HNBC). Cancer tumors themselves, as well as cancer treatments, cause acute and long-term side effects that cause pain, restricted range of motion, and decrease in overall function of the structures necessary to communicate, eat, and drink.

To help design interventions to minimize these side effects, it is first necessary to gain normative data on this population and compare it to age and gender match pairs.

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