Presenter and Co-Presenter(s)

Autumn Kelsch, Utah State UniversityFollow


College of Science


Biology Department

Faculty Mentor

Jessica Habashi


USU senior Autumn studies biology here in Logan and led and funded this project herself through a student grant. ‘Elementary Microbiology’ is a required course for many medical fields, and traditionally relies on several pre-determined research projects in class. However, educators suggest that students gain more from open-ended projects where the answer is unknown and the students’ findings contribute to our knowledge on the subject. When Autumn was hired as a teaching assistant for this course at USU, she developed and created a project where students look for bacteria in soil samples that may help fight infections. She now hopes to implement it at our Brigham City campus. Autumn plans to go on to med school and sees research as a way of ensuring that medical knowledge doesn’t stagnate or become antiquated.

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Biology Commons



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