
Technical Session X: Power/Altitude Control II


Nickel-Hydrogen (Ni-H2) batteries have become the technology of choice for both commercial and defense-related satellites in geosynchronous orbits. Their use for low-earth-orbit (LEO) applications is not as advanced, but seems just as inevitable because of their inherent advantages over nickel-cadmium batteries. These include superior energy density, longer cycle life, and better tolerance to over-charge and reversal. Ni-H2 cells have the added advantage in both construction and operation of not presenting the environmental possibility of cadmium pollution. Unfortunately, but necessarily, the design of these cells has been driven to high cost by the sophistication of the satellites and their uses. Now, using most of the same concepts but less costly materials and techniques, a low-cost, small cell design has been developed. Combined with the concept of the common pressure vessel, this new design promises to be ideal for the "small-sat" and commercial markets which, increasingly, are calling for large numbers of less-expensive satellites.


Aug 30th, 1:29 PM

Small Capacity Low Cost (NiH2) Design Concept for Commercial, Military and Higher-Volume Aerospace Applications

Nickel-Hydrogen (Ni-H2) batteries have become the technology of choice for both commercial and defense-related satellites in geosynchronous orbits. Their use for low-earth-orbit (LEO) applications is not as advanced, but seems just as inevitable because of their inherent advantages over nickel-cadmium batteries. These include superior energy density, longer cycle life, and better tolerance to over-charge and reversal. Ni-H2 cells have the added advantage in both construction and operation of not presenting the environmental possibility of cadmium pollution. Unfortunately, but necessarily, the design of these cells has been driven to high cost by the sophistication of the satellites and their uses. Now, using most of the same concepts but less costly materials and techniques, a low-cost, small cell design has been developed. Combined with the concept of the common pressure vessel, this new design promises to be ideal for the "small-sat" and commercial markets which, increasingly, are calling for large numbers of less-expensive satellites.