DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Micro-Satellites - Areas of Utilization and Design Principles


Technical Session IX: International Programs


Among 6-7 problems of modern astronautical designing there is one which is not evident but very actual. The paper shows the place of Small Satellite Systems (SSS) among modern missions. They are especially useful in experimental and modeling researches which are based on new technical lessons. They will have special role is serving of manned orbital stations and large satellites.


Sep 24th, 10:15 AM

Micro-Satellites - Areas of Utilization and Design Principles

Among 6-7 problems of modern astronautical designing there is one which is not evident but very actual. The paper shows the place of Small Satellite Systems (SSS) among modern missions. They are especially useful in experimental and modeling researches which are based on new technical lessons. They will have special role is serving of manned orbital stations and large satellites.