DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Mission Overview of Engineering Test Satellite, KITSAT-3


Technical Session IV: New Mission Concepts I


SaTReC has developed and operated two micro-satellites, KITSAT-1 and 2 successfully. Since middle of 1994, the third satellite, KITSAT-3, has been being developed. Its main mission is to perform onorbit engineering tests of core technologies for high performance small satellite. This includes 3- axis stabilization, high speed data transmission and solar panel deployment. In addition to engineering tests, there are 3 payloads; Earth Observation System (EOS) using a linear CCD camera with 17m resolution and 3 spectral bands, Space Environment Scientific Experiment (SENSE) and KITSAT Data Collection System (KDCS). KITSAT-3 is planned to be launched in middle of 1997. This paper briefly describes its mission, system configuration and operation plans for payloads and bus system of KITSAT-3.


Sep 20th, 10:30 AM

Mission Overview of Engineering Test Satellite, KITSAT-3

SaTReC has developed and operated two micro-satellites, KITSAT-1 and 2 successfully. Since middle of 1994, the third satellite, KITSAT-3, has been being developed. Its main mission is to perform onorbit engineering tests of core technologies for high performance small satellite. This includes 3- axis stabilization, high speed data transmission and solar panel deployment. In addition to engineering tests, there are 3 payloads; Earth Observation System (EOS) using a linear CCD camera with 17m resolution and 3 spectral bands, Space Environment Scientific Experiment (SENSE) and KITSAT Data Collection System (KDCS). KITSAT-3 is planned to be launched in middle of 1997. This paper briefly describes its mission, system configuration and operation plans for payloads and bus system of KITSAT-3.