
Technical Session IX: Advanced Operations Concepts


Distributed space systems are often cited as a means of enabling vast performance increases ranging from enhanced mission capabilities to increased system flexibility. Achieving this vision, however, will require radical advances in the automated control of these multi-satellite systems. To explore this challenge, Santa Clara University and Stanford University have initiated development of a simple, low cost, two-satellite mission known as Emerald. The Emerald mission includes several experiments involving the autonomous operation of distributed space systems. First, “low-level” inter-satellite navigation techniques will be explored. Second, “high-level” multi-satellite health and command management functions will be demonstrated. Due to operational considerations and on-board computational constraints, autonomy functions will have both on-board and ground components. Technology verification and validation will be conducted by the execution of a precise functional test plan and by assessing how these capabilities improve a baseline scientific investigation involving lightning-induced atmospheric phenomena. This paper will discuss Emerald’s mission objectives and design as well as the suite of “high level” autonomous operations experiments to be performed.


Aug 23rd, 5:15 PM

Autonomous Operations Experiments for the Distributed Emerald Nanosatellite Mission

Distributed space systems are often cited as a means of enabling vast performance increases ranging from enhanced mission capabilities to increased system flexibility. Achieving this vision, however, will require radical advances in the automated control of these multi-satellite systems. To explore this challenge, Santa Clara University and Stanford University have initiated development of a simple, low cost, two-satellite mission known as Emerald. The Emerald mission includes several experiments involving the autonomous operation of distributed space systems. First, “low-level” inter-satellite navigation techniques will be explored. Second, “high-level” multi-satellite health and command management functions will be demonstrated. Due to operational considerations and on-board computational constraints, autonomy functions will have both on-board and ground components. Technology verification and validation will be conducted by the execution of a precise functional test plan and by assessing how these capabilities improve a baseline scientific investigation involving lightning-induced atmospheric phenomena. This paper will discuss Emerald’s mission objectives and design as well as the suite of “high level” autonomous operations experiments to be performed.