
Technical Session I: New Ways to Get to Orbit with Near-Term Scheduled Launches


Global Space League is a new organization which arranges for students nationwide to take part in real science experiments being performed in places not usually accessible to them: the stratosphere, the ocean, onboard test flights of new flight vehicles, and similar environments. Global Space League has three key customers: scientists exploring interesting environments willing to provide a "ride-along" capability to Global Space League experiments; working scientists who want to come up with a student participatory experiment that can uniquely get some useful data in that environment; and students who want to be involved in some actual missions. This year we are working on arrangements for several stratospheric opportunities for small payloads as well as a variety of other extreme-environment expeditions. This paper discusses flight and field opportunities planned for the near term and will describe the partnering arrangements available for universities wishing to take advantage of opportunities. We are working toward a state in which expeditions are frequent and the pool of students is large so that good ideas can be implemented for deployment quickly and with minimal effort on the part of the scientist and the students. More info can be found at

SSC03-I-8.pdf (575 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 11th, 4:14 PM

Global Space League Upcoming Ride-Along Opportunities

Global Space League is a new organization which arranges for students nationwide to take part in real science experiments being performed in places not usually accessible to them: the stratosphere, the ocean, onboard test flights of new flight vehicles, and similar environments. Global Space League has three key customers: scientists exploring interesting environments willing to provide a "ride-along" capability to Global Space League experiments; working scientists who want to come up with a student participatory experiment that can uniquely get some useful data in that environment; and students who want to be involved in some actual missions. This year we are working on arrangements for several stratospheric opportunities for small payloads as well as a variety of other extreme-environment expeditions. This paper discusses flight and field opportunities planned for the near term and will describe the partnering arrangements available for universities wishing to take advantage of opportunities. We are working toward a state in which expeditions are frequent and the pool of students is large so that good ideas can be implemented for deployment quickly and with minimal effort on the part of the scientist and the students. More info can be found at