Advanced Technologies, Subsystems, and Components for Small Satellites
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2003 | ||
Thursday, August 14th | ||
8:45 AM |
Ongoing Miniaturization Efforts for Ion and Neutral Vector Velocity Instruments Gregory Earle, The University of Texas at Dallas 8:45 AM |
9:00 AM |
Brian Engberg, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate 9:00 AM |
9:15 AM |
John Salmon, Naval Postgraduate School 9:15 AM |
9:30 AM |
Conceptual Design of an IP-based Satellite Bus using Internet Technologies Richard Slywczak, NASA/Glenn Research Center (GRC) 9:30 AM |
9:45 AM |
Novel Design Elements of the Space Technology 5 Mechanical Subsystem Peter Rossoni, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 9:45 AM |
10:00 AM |
Lightweight, Low-Power Coarse Star Tracker Ray Zenick, AeroAstro, Inc. 10:00 AM |
10:15 AM |
A Feasibility Study of Techniques for Interplanetary Microspacecraft Communications G. James Wells, Space Flight Laboratory 10:15 AM |