Advanced Technologies, Subsystems, and Components for Small Satellites

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Thursday, August 14th
8:45 AM

Ongoing Miniaturization Efforts for Ion and Neutral Vector Velocity Instruments

Gregory Earle, The University of Texas at Dallas
Jin Liu, The University of Texas at Dallas
Hao Liu, The University of Texas at Dallas
Guangbin Zhang, The University of Texas at Dallas

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

A High Stiffness Boom to Increase the Moment-Arm for a Propulsive Attitude Control System on FalconSAT-3

Brian Engberg, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate
Greg Spanjers, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate
Peter Wegner, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate
Daron Bromaghim, Air Force Research Laboratory Propulsion Directorate
Pamela Fetchko, Space Systems Research Center
Jerry Sellers, Space Systems Research Center
Mark Lake, Composite Technology Development Inc.
Mike Tupper, Composite Technology Development Inc.
Jeff Harvey, Starsys Research Corp.
Jon Evans, Starsys Research Corp.

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Solar Cell Measurement System for NPS Spacecraft Architecture and Technology Demonstration Satellite, NPSAT1

John Salmon, Naval Postgraduate School
Ron Phelps, Naval Postgraduate School
Sherif Michael, Naval Postgraduate School
Herschel Loomis, Naval Postgraduate School

9:15 AM

9:30 AM

Conceptual Design of an IP-based Satellite Bus using Internet Technologies

Richard Slywczak, NASA/Glenn Research Center (GRC)

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Novel Design Elements of the Space Technology 5 Mechanical Subsystem

Peter Rossoni, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
William McGill, Swales Aerospace

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Lightweight, Low-Power Coarse Star Tracker

Ray Zenick, AeroAstro, Inc.
Thomas McGuire, MIT Space Systems Laboratory

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

A Feasibility Study of Techniques for Interplanetary Microspacecraft Communications

G. James Wells, Space Flight Laboratory
Robert Zee, Space Flight Laboratory

10:15 AM