University-led small satellite programs that have adopted standards as an integral element of the mission objectives.

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Monday, August 8th
4:40 PM

C-SMARTS: Colorado Students and Mentors Applying Research and Technology in Space

Chris Koehler, University of Colorado at Boulder

4:40 PM

Wednesday, August 10th
8:45 AM

Extensible Boom-Based Optical System for Nano-Scale Remote Sensing Satellite "PRISM"

Yuya Nakamura, University of Tokyo
Ryu Funase, University of Tokyo
Masaki Nagai, University of Tokyo
Akito Enokuchi, University of Tokyo
Yuta Nojiri, University of Tokyo
Tsukasa Funane, University of Tokyo
Fumiki Sasaki, University of Tokyo
Shinichi Nakasuka, University of Tokyo

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

Implementation of a Modern Internet Protocol-Based Communications System and Error Detection and Correction System for Commercial Memory within a Radiation Hardened FPGA for a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite

Dillon Collins, The Pennsylvania State University
Brendan Surrusco, The Pennsylvania State University
Sven Bilén, The Pennsylvania State University
Charles Croskey, The Pennsylvania State University
Anthony Jordan, Aeroflex Colorado Springs, Inc.
Ron Lake, Aeroflex Colorado Springs, Inc.

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Standard Testing Methods for Satellite Communication Systems

Jerry Stoner, Spacecraft Systems and Operations Lab

9:15 AM

9:30 AM

The *.Sat CubeSat Bus: When Three Cubes Meet

Eric Lee, Stanford University
Matthew D’Ortenzio, Stanford University
Stevan Spremo, Stanford University
Belgacem Jaroux, Stanford University
Ignacio Mas, NASA Ames Research Center
Dan Saldana, NASA Ames Research Center

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

The Design and Test of a Compact Propulsion System for CanX Nanosatellite Formation Flying

Stephen Mauthe, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
Freddy Pranajaya, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
Robert Zee, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

A Standardized, Distributed Computing Architecture: Results from Three Universities

Michael Swartwout, Washington University in St. Louis
Christopher Kitts, Santa Clara University
Pascal Stang, Santa Clara University
Glenn Lightsey, University of Texas at Austin

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

MEMSSat: a TestBed of MEMS Technologies for Space

Zheng You, Tsinghua University
Junming Fu, Tsinghua University

10:15 AM