Highlights and lessons learned from missions flown over the last year, with emphasis on the technical enablers that allowed success. Overview of missions and enabling technologies expected to launch within the next year.
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2006 | ||
Tuesday, August 15th | ||
4:00 PM |
An Overview and Initial In-Orbit Status Of “Index” Satellite Hirobumi Saito, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 4:00 PM |
4:15 PM |
Bernard Tatry, CNES 4:15 PM |
4:30 PM |
General Architecture of ECLAIRs Microsatellite Valerio Cipolla, CNES, DCT/TV/MT 4:30 PM |
4:45 PM |
MINERVA Rover which Became a Small Artificial Solar Satellite Tetsuo Yoshimitsu, Institute of Space Astronautical Science(ISAS)/JAXA 4:45 PM |
5:00 PM |
An Optimized Small Satellite Bus and Structure for the THEMIS Mission Walter Eppler, Swales Aerospace, Inc 5:00 PM |
5:15 PM |
RazakSAT – A High Performance Satellite Waiting for Its Mission in Space H.J. Chun, Satrec Initiative 5:15 PM |
5:30 PM |
Structural Verification of the Rigidizable Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment Anna Gunn-Golkin, Air Force Institute of Technology 5:30 PM |
5:45 PM |
The GeneSat-1 Microsatellite MissionA Challenge in Small Satellite Design Christopher Kitts, Santa Clara University 5:45 PM |
6:00 PM |
Adapting to Change in Small Satellites, Lessons from the TacSat Program Terrance Yee, Microsat Systems, Inc. 6:00 PM |
6:15 PM |
The GIOVE-A Small Navigation Mission Andy Bradford, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, 6:15 PM |
6:30 PM |
Micro Satellite Bus for Stand-alone Earth Imaging / Space Science Payloads Raghava Murthy, ISRO Satellite Center 6:30 PM |