DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Small Spacecraft Mission Concepts to Achieve Lunar Science and Exploration Goals


Technical Session IV: Future Missions 2


NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration calls for a return to the Moon with both robotic spacecraft and human explorers in the coming decades. Both scientific and exploration-related goals can be achieved using a small spacecraft platform with relatively low cost and rapid development time. We report on mission concepts within five investigation themes and provide traceability to proposed instrumentation and measurement objectives. Specific themes addressed here include 1) Water, 2) Radiation Shielding, 3) Biologic Effects of the Lunar Environment, 4) Dust and Regolith Characterization, and 5) Enabling Lunar Astrophysics.

SSC07-IV-1.pdf (13269 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 14th, 10:30 AM

Small Spacecraft Mission Concepts to Achieve Lunar Science and Exploration Goals

NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration calls for a return to the Moon with both robotic spacecraft and human explorers in the coming decades. Both scientific and exploration-related goals can be achieved using a small spacecraft platform with relatively low cost and rapid development time. We report on mission concepts within five investigation themes and provide traceability to proposed instrumentation and measurement objectives. Specific themes addressed here include 1) Water, 2) Radiation Shielding, 3) Biologic Effects of the Lunar Environment, 4) Dust and Regolith Characterization, and 5) Enabling Lunar Astrophysics.