DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Enabling Space Sensor Networks with PCBSat


Technical Session IV: Future Missions 2


Distributed space mission concepts are emerging for scientific applications requiring constellations of hundreds to thousands of satellites. Analogous to proliferating terrestrial wireless sensor networks, massively distributed space sensor networks will enable the observation of real-time multi-point phenomenology. For example, an ionospheric plasma depletion sensor network would shed light on “plasma bubbles” accepted as the cause of satellite navigation and communication signal scintillation at low latitudes in the post-dusk sector. Economics dictate a low-cost, massproducible sensor node for this prospective class of space mission. One promising concept is a satellite-on-a-printed circuit board (PCBSat), which leverages the multi-billion dollar infrastructure of the commercial PCB industry. The system configuration goals are: 10x10x2 cm and approximately 200 g mass, while supporting a small sensor, such as the Miniature Electrostatic Analyzer (MESA). Three interim stage prototype design cycles and partial environmental testing have been completed successfully. This paper briefly surveys distributed space missions and presents a complete mission architecture for the ionospheric plasma depletion study. Sub-kilogram very small satellite technologies are then discussed, followed by comparative cost modeling for commercial mass-production. The detailed design and environmental testing results of PCBSat complete the paper, including launch opportunities.

SSC07-IV-4.pdf (728 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 14th, 11:15 AM

Enabling Space Sensor Networks with PCBSat

Distributed space mission concepts are emerging for scientific applications requiring constellations of hundreds to thousands of satellites. Analogous to proliferating terrestrial wireless sensor networks, massively distributed space sensor networks will enable the observation of real-time multi-point phenomenology. For example, an ionospheric plasma depletion sensor network would shed light on “plasma bubbles” accepted as the cause of satellite navigation and communication signal scintillation at low latitudes in the post-dusk sector. Economics dictate a low-cost, massproducible sensor node for this prospective class of space mission. One promising concept is a satellite-on-a-printed circuit board (PCBSat), which leverages the multi-billion dollar infrastructure of the commercial PCB industry. The system configuration goals are: 10x10x2 cm and approximately 200 g mass, while supporting a small sensor, such as the Miniature Electrostatic Analyzer (MESA). Three interim stage prototype design cycles and partial environmental testing have been completed successfully. This paper briefly surveys distributed space missions and presents a complete mission architecture for the ionospheric plasma depletion study. Sub-kilogram very small satellite technologies are then discussed, followed by comparative cost modeling for commercial mass-production. The detailed design and environmental testing results of PCBSat complete the paper, including launch opportunities.