Preview of small satellite missions that are scheduled to fly within the next two years with an emphasis on the mission and its scientific, technological or business impact.

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Tuesday, August 12th
8:45 AM

VENμS Program: Broad and New Horizons for Super-Spectral Imaging and Electric Propulsion Missions for a Small Satellite

Jacob Herscovitz, Space Systems Directorate Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.
Arnon Karnieli, Ben Gurion University

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

TacSat-4 Mission and the Implementation of Bus Standards

Ken Weldy, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Amy Hurley, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Chris Amend, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Ed Becker, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Mike Nurnberger, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Keith Akins, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Carl Ford, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Mark Johnson, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
William Raynor, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Mike Hurley, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

A Norwegian Satellite for Space-based Observations of AIS in the High North

Bjorn Narheim, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Oystein Olsen, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Oystein Helleren, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Richard Olsen, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Alexander Beattie, Space Flight Laboratory at UTIAS
Robert Zee, Space Flight Laboratory at UTIAS

9:15 AM

9:30 AM

Getting the Bigger Picture: More Bytes for your Buck

Zeger de Groot, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
James Penson, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Adam Baker, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited
Paul Stephens, DMC International Imaging

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

NEOSSat: A Collaborative Microsatellite Project for Space Based Object Detection

William Harvey, Canadian Space Agency
Tony Morris, Defence Research and Development Canada

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Launching 2009: The NigeriaSat-2 Mission – High-performance Earth Observation with a Small Satellite

Andrew Cawthorne, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
Matt Beard, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
Andrew Carrel, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
Guy Richardson, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd
Abdul Lawal, NASRDA

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

Plug and Play – Small Satellite Solutions with Large Satellite Implications

Lee Thienel, Libration Systems Management, Inc.
Guy Robinson, Libration Systems Management, Inc.
Dale Stottlemyer, Libration Systems Management, Inc.
Rus Burgess, Libration Systems Management, Inc.
Scott Clough, Vantage Systems Inc.

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

Integrating a Modular Smart Tool into the Space Exploration Infrastructure through Small Satellite Systems Protocols

Gary Rodriguez, sysRAND Corporation
Frederick Slane, Space Environment Technologies, LLC

10:30 AM