Technical Session VIII: Frank J. Redd Student Scholarship Competition | 2010 - Connecting the Dots: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers & Mission Sponsors Together

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Wednesday, August 11th
10:45 AM

REPTile: A Miniaturized Detector for a CubeSat Mission to Measure Relativistic Particles in Near-Earth Space

Quintin Schiller, University of Colorado
Abhishek Mahendrakumar, University of Colorado

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

A Simple System for Deploying Science Instruments from a CubeSat

Erik Stromberg, Utah State University

11:00 AM

11:15 AM

Deployment System for the CubeSail nano-Solar Sail Mission

S. Nasir Adeli, University of Surrey

11:15 AM

11:30 AM

The Development of LOX-based Magnetic Fluid Technology and its Impact on Small Satellites

Jeffrey Boulware, Utah State University

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Passive Magnetic Attitude Control for CubeSat Spacecraft

David Gerhardt, University of Colorado Boulder

11:45 AM

12:00 PM

Design, Test, and Validation of a Refrigerant-Based Cold-Gas Propulsion System for Small Satellites

Ryan Pahl, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Christopher Tutza, Missouri University of Science and Technology

12:00 PM