Technical Session X: Mission Enabling Technologies 1 | 2010 - Connecting the Dots: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers & Mission Sponsors Together

Innovative small satellite technologies (hardware or software) that offer game changing, mission enabling capabilities in next generation small spacecraft.

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Wednesday, August 11th
3:45 PM

Smart Propellant

Siegfried Janson, The Aerospace Corporation

3:45 PM

4:00 PM

YUsend-1 Solid Propellant Microthruster Design, Fabrication and Testing

Kartheephan Sathiyanathan, York University
Regina Lee, York University
Hugh Chesser, York University
Charles Dubois, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
Robert Stowe, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
Rocco Farinaccio, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
Sophie Ringuette, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)

4:00 PM

4:14 PM

Towards Star Tracker Only Attitude Estimation

John Enright, Ryerson University
Doug Sinclair, Sinclair Interplanetary
Cordell Grant, University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
Geoff McVittie, Ryerson University
Tom Dzamba, Ryerson University

4:14 PM

4:29 PM

Real-time, Near Global, Low Earth Orbit Communications using Geostationary Inmarsat BGAN System as a Relay

Christian Lenz, Broad Reach Engineering Company
Chris McCormick, Broad Reach Engineering Company
Rob Goldsmith, COM DEV Europe
Eyal Trachtman, INMARSAT

4:29 PM

4:44 PM

Automatic Generation of SDM Application Source Code from xTEDS

Jacob Christensen, Utah State University
Scott Cannon, Utah State University
Bryan Hansen, Space Dynamics Laboratory
Jim Lyke, Space Electronics Branch, AFRL / RVSE

4:44 PM

4:57 PM

Deployable Booms and Antennas Using Bi-stable Tape-springs

Thomas Murphey, Air Force Research Laboratory
Sungeun Jeon, CSA Engineering
Adam Biskner, LoadPath, LLC
Gregory Sanford, LoadPath, LLC

4:57 PM

4:59 PM

Solar Array Arcing Mitigation for Polar Low-Earth Orbit Spacecraft

Grant Bonin, UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory
Nathaniel Orr, UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory
Robert Zee, UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory
Jeff Cain, UTIAS Space flight Laboratory

4:59 PM

5:15 PM

Space and Ground Segments Link Performance Verification for Small Satellite TT&C Transponders

Ahmed Ibrahim, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences NARSS
Magdi Fikri, Cairo Univ.

5:15 PM

5:44 PM

Cost-Effective End-of-Mission Disposal of LEO Microsatellites: The Terminator Tape

Robert Hoyt, Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
Jeffrey Slostad, Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
Ian Barnes, Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
Nestor Voronka, Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
Michael Lewis, Tethers Unlimited, Inc.

5:44 PM