Technical Session I: Mission Payloads | 2010 - Connecting the Dots: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers & Mission Sponsors Together

Advanced, cutting edge mission related technologies and sensors (not bus sensors) designed specifically with small satellite missions in mind.

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Monday, August 9th
3:00 PM

A Design Overview of a Space-Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment

Todd Book, Air Force Institute of Technology
William Starr, Air Force Institute of Technology
Arthur Morse, Air Force Institute of Technology
Steven Miller, Air Force Institute of Technology
Jonathan Black, Air Force Institute of Technology
Eric Swenson, Air Force Institute of Technology
Richard Cobb, Air Force Institute of Technology
Carl Hartsfield, Air Force Institute of Technology

3:00 PM

3:15 PM

Thermal Ion Instrumentation for CubeSat Missions

Gregory Earle, The University of Texas at Dallas
Ryan Davidson, The University of Texas at Dallas
Michael Perdue, The University of Texas at Dallas

3:15 PM

3:29 PM

The CubeSat Heliospheric Imaging Experiment (CHIME)

Craig DeForest, Southwest Research Institute
John Dickinson, Southwest Research Institute
Juan Aguayo, Southwest Research Institute
John Andrews, Southwest Research Institute
Michael Epperly, Southwest Research Institute
Tim Howard, Southwest Research Institute
Joe Peterson, Southwest Research Institute
Jennifer Alvarez, Southwest Research Institute
Michael Pilcher, Southwest Research Institute
Craig Kief, Configurable Space Microsystems Innovations & Applications Center
Steve Suddarth, Configurable Space Microsystems Innovations & Applications Center
James Tappin, National Solar Observatory

3:29 PM

3:44 PM

Hyperspectral/Hypertemporal Compact Sensor for Small Satellite Applications

Ara Dergevorkian, ATK Aerospace Systems
Kevin McKee, ATK Aerospace Systems

3:44 PM

3:59 PM

Spectral Imaging Payload for Nanosatellite Earth Observation

Brian Solheim, York University
Hugh Chesser, York University
Regina Lee, York University
Kenneth Sinclair, York University
Guy Benari, York University

3:59 PM

4:14 PM

A CubeSat Constellation to Investigate the Atmospheric Drag Environment

Eric Sutton, Air Force Research Laboratory
Chin Lin, Air Force Research Laboratory
Frank Marcos, Air Force Research Laboratory
David Voss, Air Force Research Laboratory
Odile Clavier, Creare, Inc.

4:14 PM

4:29 PM

Low-Resource CubeSat-scale Sensorcraft for Auroral and Ionospheric Plasma Studies

Phillip Bracikowski, Dartmouth College
K.A. Lynch, Dartmouth College
Lisa Gayetsky, Dartmouth College

4:29 PM

4:44 PM

Ultra-Compact LADAR Systems for Next Generation Space Missions

Randy Reibel, Bridger Photonics Inc
Nathan Greenfield, Bridger Photonics Inc
Trenton Berg, Bridger Photonics Inc
Brant Kaylor, Bridger Photonics Inc
Peter Roos, Bridger Photonics Inc
Zeb Barber, Montana State University
David Klumpar, Montana State University

4:44 PM