Technical Session III: TidBits | 2010 - Connecting the Dots: Bringing Visionaries, System Implementers & Mission Sponsors Together

A session dedicated to CubeSat/NanoSat initiatives that enable future missions.

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Tuesday, August 10th
8:30 AM

Novel Radiation Design Approach for CubeSat Based Missions

Justin Likar, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Stephen Stone, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Robert Lombardi, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Kelly Long, Lockheed Martin Information and Global Services Enterprise Integration Group

8:30 AM

8:45 AM

Study of the Small: Potential for Operational Military Use of CubeSats

Chalie Galliand, United States Air Force

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

Two CubeSats with Micro-Propulsion in the QB50 Satellite Network

P.P. Sundaramoorthy, Delft University of Technology
E. Gill, Delft University of Technology
C.J.M. Verhoeven, Delft University of Technology
J. Bouwmeester, Delft University of Technology

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Coral: A High Performance Design Expanding CubeSat Mission Options

Steven Schenk, Comtech AeroAstro, Inc
Robert Burt, Space Dynamics Laboratory

9:15 AM

9:45 AM

Huge Power Demand...Itsy-Bitsy Satellite: Solving the CubeSat Power Paradox

Craig Clark, Clyde Space Ltd

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Olfar, A Radio Telescope Based on Nano-Satellites in Moon Orbit

S. Engelen, Technical University of Delft
C.J.M. Verhoeven, Technical University of Delft
M.J. Bentum, University of Twente

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)

Geoff Crowley, ASTRA
Chad Fish, Space Dynamics Lab
Charles Swenson, Space Dynamics Lab
Robert Burt, Space Dynamics Lab
Tim Neilsen, Space Dynamics Lab
Aroh Barjatya, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Gary Bust, ASTRA
Miguel Larsen, Clemson University

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

3D Printing and MEMS Propulsion for the RAMPART 2U CUBESAT

Gilbert Moore, Project Starshine
Walter Holemans, Planetary Systems Corporation
Adam Huang, The University of Arkansas
John Lee, The University of Arkansas
Matthew McMullen, The University of Arkansas
Jim White, Colorado Satellite Services
Robert Twiggs, Morehead State University
Benjamin Malphrus, Morehead State University
Nathan Fite, Morehead State University
David Klumpar, Montana State University
Ehson Mosleh, Montana State University
Keith Mashburn, Montana State University
David Wilt, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
James Lyke, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Stewart Davis, CRP USA, LLC
Wes Bradley, Analytical Graphics, Inc.
2Lt. Thomas Chiasson, USAF
Jay Heberle, Universal Space Network
Pat Patterson, Space Dynamics Lab

10:30 AM

10:45 AM

An Optical Payload for Cubesats

Seshupriya Alluru, University of Florida
Janise McNair, University of Florida

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Composite and PCB Based Implementations of a Solar Panel Design for SwampSat

Sharan Asundi, University of Florida
Matthew Mahin, University of Florida
Vivek Nagabhushan, University of Florida
Tzu Yu Lin, University of Florida
Norman Fitz-Coy, University of Florida

11:00 AM