DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Optimization of Various Thermal Management Techniques for High Thermal Loads


Technical Session VII: Spacecraft Systems


The increasing thermal demands for spacecraft require the development of new technologies. To efficiently allocate resources to research and development efforts, a tool was developed that can be used to investigate the impact of new thermal technologies on spacecraft mass. The thermal tool is presented here as part of a mass study of three different types of thermal management technologies. The heat pipe radiator is recommended for a thermal load below 700W if the radiator is able to radiate to space from both sides. A heat pipe radiator radiating to space from a single side should be considered for loads at or less than 100W given the linear data trend. Loop heat pipe and single phase pumped looped radiators should be considered for loads exceeding 700W as their configuration allows for deployable radiators. The results indicate that for assumptions used in the paper, technologies associated with the radiator such as alternate materials are desirable above 700W whereas improvements should focus on the pipe and face sheet materials to reduce radiator mass.

SSC10-VII-4.pdf (253 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 11th, 8:30 AM

Optimization of Various Thermal Management Techniques for High Thermal Loads

The increasing thermal demands for spacecraft require the development of new technologies. To efficiently allocate resources to research and development efforts, a tool was developed that can be used to investigate the impact of new thermal technologies on spacecraft mass. The thermal tool is presented here as part of a mass study of three different types of thermal management technologies. The heat pipe radiator is recommended for a thermal load below 700W if the radiator is able to radiate to space from both sides. A heat pipe radiator radiating to space from a single side should be considered for loads at or less than 100W given the linear data trend. Loop heat pipe and single phase pumped looped radiators should be considered for loads exceeding 700W as their configuration allows for deployable radiators. The results indicate that for assumptions used in the paper, technologies associated with the radiator such as alternate materials are desirable above 700W whereas improvements should focus on the pipe and face sheet materials to reduce radiator mass.