DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Optical Networking for Aerospace Systems Provisioned through Plug-and-play Avionics


Technical Session XI: Mission Enabling Technologies 2


A high performance extension of the space plug-and-play avionics (SPA) technology is described based on the addition of optical fiber interconnection. This optical SPA (“SPA-O”), due to the bandwidth potential, provides the possibility of moving unprecedented amounts of data and rendering super-computing systems rapidly in orbital platforms. By exploiting the ideas of SPA, the optical properties of SPA-O components can be added to electronic datasheets embedded within the component so that the system-at-large can discover these components and exploit them in dynamically provisionable optical networks formed on demand.

SSC10-XI-9.pdf (932 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 12th, 9:59 AM

Optical Networking for Aerospace Systems Provisioned through Plug-and-play Avionics

A high performance extension of the space plug-and-play avionics (SPA) technology is described based on the addition of optical fiber interconnection. This optical SPA (“SPA-O”), due to the bandwidth potential, provides the possibility of moving unprecedented amounts of data and rendering super-computing systems rapidly in orbital platforms. By exploiting the ideas of SPA, the optical properties of SPA-O components can be added to electronic datasheets embedded within the component so that the system-at-large can discover these components and exploit them in dynamically provisionable optical networks formed on demand.