DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Small Satellites Technologies from Newcomers Perspective – Slovenian Space-Si Case


Technical Session XII: Next Generation


In Slovenia a new Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies SPACE-SI became operational in 2010. The RTD goals of the SPACE-SI consortium consisting of academic institutions, high-tech SMEs and large industrial and insurance companies are focused on nano and micro satellite technologies that are enabling high precision interactive remote sensing and precise maneuvering of small spacecraft in formation flying missions. For the development of these technologies an advanced RTD infrastructure will be set up including a multidisciplinary laboratory for closed loop investigations of materials, structures, micropropulsion systems, electronic components and visual based control algorithms in simulated space environments. The experimental techniques will be combined with virtual models for primal and sensitivity analyses of components, subsystems and platforms as well as for their characterisation by inverse numerical analyses and optimisation of their design with respect to performance and reliability. A development of a technology demonstration mission, which will include the testing of a ferroelectric frequency and polarization tunable microstrip patch design antenna and automatic feature recognition systems for interactive earth observation as well as advanced micropropulsion for precise maneuvering in formation flights, is envisaged for which synergies and partners are sought at the international level.

SSC10-XII-4.pdf (2702 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 12th, 11:30 AM

Small Satellites Technologies from Newcomers Perspective – Slovenian Space-Si Case

In Slovenia a new Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies SPACE-SI became operational in 2010. The RTD goals of the SPACE-SI consortium consisting of academic institutions, high-tech SMEs and large industrial and insurance companies are focused on nano and micro satellite technologies that are enabling high precision interactive remote sensing and precise maneuvering of small spacecraft in formation flying missions. For the development of these technologies an advanced RTD infrastructure will be set up including a multidisciplinary laboratory for closed loop investigations of materials, structures, micropropulsion systems, electronic components and visual based control algorithms in simulated space environments. The experimental techniques will be combined with virtual models for primal and sensitivity analyses of components, subsystems and platforms as well as for their characterisation by inverse numerical analyses and optimisation of their design with respect to performance and reliability. A development of a technology demonstration mission, which will include the testing of a ferroelectric frequency and polarization tunable microstrip patch design antenna and automatic feature recognition systems for interactive earth observation as well as advanced micropropulsion for precise maneuvering in formation flights, is envisaged for which synergies and partners are sought at the international level.