Recent and planned educational small satellite programs that train a new generation of engineers while benefiting the small satellite community.

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Thursday, August 11th
12:30 PM

Real Science, Real Education: The University Nanosat Program

David Voss, Air Force Research Labs Flight Programs Branch (AFRL/RVEP)
Jared Clements, Air Force Research Labs Spacecraft Technologies Branch (AFRL/RVSS)
Kelly Cole, Air Force Research Labs Flight Programs Branch (AFRL/RVEP)
Melody Ford, Air Force Research Labs Flight Programs Branch (AFRL/RVEP)
Christopher Handy, Air Force Research Labs Flight Programs Branch (AFRL/RVEP)
Abbie Stovall, Air Force Institute of Technology

12:30 PM

12:45 PM

RockOn and RockSat: A NASA and COSGC Collaboration to Train Tomorrow's Engineers

Chris Koehler, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, University of Colorado at Boulder
Shawn Carroll, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, University of Colorado at Boulder
Emily Logan, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, University of Colorado at Boulder

12:45 PM

1:00 PM

Characterization and Analysis for Flying COTS Electronics On-Orbit

Jason Niederhauser, Air Force Institute of Technology
Jonathan Black, Air Force Institute of Technology
Carl Hartsfield, Air Force Institute of Technology

1:00 PM

1:15 PM

The ExoplanetSat Mission to Detect Transiting Exoplanets with a CubeSat Space Telescope

Matthew Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sara Seager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christopher Pong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Matthew Knutson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Miller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Timothy Henderson, Draper Laboratory
Sungyung Lim, Draper Laboratory
Tye Brady, Draper Laboratory
Michael Matranga, Draper Laboratory
Shawn Murphy, Draper Laboratory

1:15 PM

1:30 PM

PEZ: Expanding CubeSat Capabilities through Innovative Mechanism Design

Tyler Murphy, University of Colorado
Jon Kanaber, University of Colorado
Christopher Koehler, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, University of Colorado

1:30 PM

1:45 PM

Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)

Geoff Crowley, Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA) LLC
Chad Fish, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Charles Swenson, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Robert Burt, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Eric Stromberg, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Tim Neilsen, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Steve Burr, Space Dynamics Lab/USURF
Aroh Barjatya, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Gary Bust, Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA) LLC
Miguel Larsen, Clemson University

1:45 PM

1:59 PM

Aeneas -- Colony I Meets Three-Axis Pointing

Michael Aherne, Space Engineering Research Center
Tim Barrett, Space Engineering Research Center
Lucy Hoag, Space Engineering Research Center
Eric Teegarden, Space Engineering Research Center
Rohan Ramadas, Space Engineering Research Center

1:59 PM

2:14 PM

CubeSat Components: A Collection of Ideas from AFRL Space & Phillips Scholars

Keith Avery, Air Force Research Laboratory
Sylvia Reiser, Air Force Research Laboratory
Eric Murray, Air Force Research Laboratory
Matthew Robertson, Air Force Research Laboratory
Deryk Harder, Air Force Research Laboratory

2:14 PM

2:29 PM

Lessons from 5 Years of Space Plug & Play Avionics (SPA) Device Development with High School Students

Paul Jaffe, Naval Research Laboratory
Sean Lynch, Naval Research Laboratory
Jolyon Zook, Naval Research Laboratory

2:29 PM