Technical Session VI: Small But Mighty
For the QB50 project a constellation of tens of CubeSats will be launched and injected in 2014 into a 320 km orbit to perform in situ observations of the thermosphere as well as science and technology in-orbit-demonstration. Developing, deploying and operating such a system presents a whole range of challenges. One of the biggest challenges to be solved is how to safely launch and properly deploy the QB50 constellation of satellites. This paper will present the StackPack or ISIS’ concept design of the deployment system designed for deploying the QB50 satellites. Conceptually, the StackPack is a custom, reliable, non hazardous, low shock, ITAR-free, low-cost device capable of provide suitable accommodation for the various QB50 CubeSats (2 units and 3 units). It will be the first system of its kind and is specifically focused on accommodating clusters of nanosatellite systems. This deployment system is envisioned to perform various main functionalities such as to provide optimal accommodation of the QB50 cluster of satellites on the Shtil launcher family, to provide adequate interface with the launch vehicle and to accomplish the appropriate deployment of the QB50 satellites in their correct orbit. In order to properly achieve these functionalities, the full range of requirements and constraints enforced by the mission, flight configuration, deployment sequence, launch vehicle and CubeSats are being taken into account. This system is intended to be optimized for various parameters including cumulative mass and volume as well as connectivity.
Presentation Slides
Releasing the Cloud: A Deployment System Design for the QB50 CubeSat Mission
For the QB50 project a constellation of tens of CubeSats will be launched and injected in 2014 into a 320 km orbit to perform in situ observations of the thermosphere as well as science and technology in-orbit-demonstration. Developing, deploying and operating such a system presents a whole range of challenges. One of the biggest challenges to be solved is how to safely launch and properly deploy the QB50 constellation of satellites. This paper will present the StackPack or ISIS’ concept design of the deployment system designed for deploying the QB50 satellites. Conceptually, the StackPack is a custom, reliable, non hazardous, low shock, ITAR-free, low-cost device capable of provide suitable accommodation for the various QB50 CubeSats (2 units and 3 units). It will be the first system of its kind and is specifically focused on accommodating clusters of nanosatellite systems. This deployment system is envisioned to perform various main functionalities such as to provide optimal accommodation of the QB50 cluster of satellites on the Shtil launcher family, to provide adequate interface with the launch vehicle and to accomplish the appropriate deployment of the QB50 satellites in their correct orbit. In order to properly achieve these functionalities, the full range of requirements and constraints enforced by the mission, flight configuration, deployment sequence, launch vehicle and CubeSats are being taken into account. This system is intended to be optimized for various parameters including cumulative mass and volume as well as connectivity.