2013 - Small Satellite Constellations: Strength in Numbers | Small Satellite Conference

Constellations of satellites enable whole new classes of missions for navigation, communications, remote sensing and scientific research for both civilian and military purposes. The scope and affordability of such multi-spacecraft missions is closely tied to the capabilities, manufacturability, and technical readiness of their components, as well as the diverse launch opportunities available today. Advances in all areas of small satellite technologies will enable these fractionated systems, cooperative measurements or multi-node constellations, but what are the key advancements that will allow groundbreaking missions to be executed? During the 27th year of the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, we aim to provide awareness of space missions enabled through small satellite constellations, including the technical challenges and enabling technologies, for building, testing, launch and operations.

Browse the contents of 2013 - Small Satellite Constellations: Strength in Numbers:

Guest Lecture
Keynote Address
Pre-Conference: CubeSat Developers' Workshop
Technical Session I: Advanced Technologies I
Technical Session II: Communications
Technical Session III: Advanced Technologies II
Technical Session IV: Down the Middle
Technical Session V: From Earth to Orbit
Technical Session VI: Strength in Numbers
Technical Session VII: Propulsion
Technical Session VIII: Frank J. Redd Student Scholarship Competition
Technical Session IX: Standards and Education
Technical Session X: The Year in Review
Technical Session XI: Around the Corner
All 2013 Content