DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: ALTAIR: Millennium’s DARPA SeeMe Satellite Solution Technical (R)evolution


Technical Session III: Advanced Technologies I


Millennium Space Systems ALTAIR™ “27U” satellite developed under DARPA’s SeeMe (Space Enabled Effects for Military Engagements) program represents a game-changing spacecraft class addressing military, civil, and commercial needs, balancing extreme affordability, performance, and schedule responsiveness. DARPA’s overarching requirement called for a 24-spacecraft constellation, with satellites flying in any orbit, at less than $500K cost each, and with readiness to launch 90 days after call-up. This paper discusses the design process and lessons learned during high-altitude balloon tests and full engineering-model spacecraft development to achieve both high performance and low cost. We describe the driving spacecraft innovations to successfully achieve DARPA’s requirements. Innovations include payload performance, 3-D printed structure, GN&C/ACS Suite performance, communications system approach, Flight Software Implementation, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) part usage, development & production approaches, and enabling constellation technologies.


Aug 5th, 8:15 AM

ALTAIR: Millennium’s DARPA SeeMe Satellite Solution Technical (R)evolution

Millennium Space Systems ALTAIR™ “27U” satellite developed under DARPA’s SeeMe (Space Enabled Effects for Military Engagements) program represents a game-changing spacecraft class addressing military, civil, and commercial needs, balancing extreme affordability, performance, and schedule responsiveness. DARPA’s overarching requirement called for a 24-spacecraft constellation, with satellites flying in any orbit, at less than $500K cost each, and with readiness to launch 90 days after call-up. This paper discusses the design process and lessons learned during high-altitude balloon tests and full engineering-model spacecraft development to achieve both high performance and low cost. We describe the driving spacecraft innovations to successfully achieve DARPA’s requirements. Innovations include payload performance, 3-D printed structure, GN&C/ACS Suite performance, communications system approach, Flight Software Implementation, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) part usage, development & production approaches, and enabling constellation technologies.