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Saturday, August 8th
12:00 AM

Robust Star Detection for Cubic-Centimeter Star Imager

Samir A. Rawashdeh, University of Michigan - Dearborn

12:00 AM

9:00 AM

Open-Sourcing CubeSat Design

Randy Hsiao, NCKU
Artur Scholz, NCKU

9:00 AM

9:20 AM

Deployment System for CubeSat Electric Field Instrument

Dana Turse, Composite Technology Development, Inc.

9:20 AM

10:00 AM

New Small Satellite Capabilities for Microwave Atmoshperic Remote Sensing: The Earth Observing Nanosatellite-Microwave

Bill Blackwell, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

NanosatC-Br1 The First Brazillian CubeSat, and Beyond

Eloi Fonseca, Air Force Institute of Technology
Otavio Durao, National Institute for Space Research
Nelson Jorge Schuch, National Institute for Space Research

10:50 AM

11:10 AM

3D Printing for Space - Advances from the NASA SmallSat Program

Craig Kief, COSMIAC
Brian Zufelt, COSMIAC

11:10 AM

11:50 AM

CubeSat Proximity Operations Demonstration Avionics System Design

Austin Williams, Space Vehicles

11:50 AM

1:30 PM

Methods to Predict Fatigue in CubeSat Structures and Mechanisms

Walter Holemans, Planetary Systems Corporation
Floyd Azure, Planetary Systems Corporation
Ryan Hevner, Planetary Systems Corporation

1:30 PM

1:50 PM

NOAA's Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs

Alan Robinson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

1:50 PM

2:10 PM

Increasing International Space Station Utilization for Small Satellite Deployments

Conor Brown, NanoRacks LLC

2:10 PM

2:30 PM

Let's Status ELaNa and What's Ahead

Garrett Skrobot, NASA LSP

2:30 PM

2:50 PM

EPP- A New CubeSat Testbed and Payload Hosting Platform on the International Space Station with Reliable Fast-Track and Low-Cost Mission Scenario

Christian Steimle, Airbus DS GmbH
K. Kuehnel, Airbus DS Space Systems Inc.
K. Woellert, NanoRacks LLC.

2:50 PM

3:40 PM

Benefits for Deployable Quadrifilar Helical Antenna Modules for Small Satellites

Greg O'Neill, Helical Communication Technologies

3:40 PM

4:00 PM

Big Software for SmallSats: Adapting cFS to CubeSat Missions

James Marshall, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Alan Cudmore, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Gary Crum, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Salman Sheikh, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

4:00 PM

4:20 PM

LANL Compact Attitude Determination and Control System for Small Satellites

Nicholas A. Dallmann, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Clifford M. Fortgang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael A. G. Gacusan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
John P. Martinez, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael C. Proicou, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Daniel N. Seitz, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul S. Stein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Adam Warniment, Los Alamos National Laboratory

4:20 PM

4:40 PM

NanoSatellite Avionics Optimization in a Space-Constrained Environment

James Byrne, MIT Space Systems Laboratory

4:40 PM

5:00 PM

Developing a CubeSat Mission to Support Earth Science

Thomas Johnson, NASA/GSFC/WFF

5:00 PM

Sunday, August 9th
12:00 AM

Developing the Minature Tether Elecrodynamics Experiment: Completion of Key Milestones and Future Work

Bret Bronner, University of Michigan
Duc Trung

12:00 AM

9:00 AM

G.A.U.S.S. MicroSatellites: Experience and Proposals

Validislav Solovey, G.A.U.S.S. Srl
Filippo Graziani, G.A.U.S.S. Srl
Chantal Cappelletti, G.A.U.S.S. Srl

9:00 AM

9:20 AM

PolySat Mission and Operations Engineering Lessons

Nikolaus Powell, Cal Poly, SLO

9:20 AM

9:40 AM

Gossamer Orbit Lowering Device (GOLD) for Safe and Efficient CubeSat Deorbit

Nicola Sarzi-Amade, Global Aerospace Corporation
Kerry T. Nock, Global Aerospace Corporation
Kim Aaron, Global Aerospace Corporation
Benjamin Goldman, Global Aerospace Corporation

9:40 AM

10:00 AM

Flight Testing of a Low Cost De-Orbiting Device for Small Satellites

Dana Turse, Composite Technology Development, Inc.
Mark Reavis
Phil Keller
Chris Koehler

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Design and Test of the Payload Electronics and In Flight Sequence Development for the CSUNSAT1 Low Temperature Battery Experiment

Gary S. Bolotin, California Institute of Technology
K. B. Chin, California Institute of Technology
M. C. Smart, California Institute of Technology
E. J. Brandon, California Institute of Technology
N. K. Palmer, California Institute of Technology
S. Katz, California State University
J. A. Flynn, California State University

10:50 AM

11:50 AM

Globalstar Communication Link for CubeSats

Jeff Dailey, NearSpace Launch Inc.
Hank D. Voss, Taylor University
Art White, Taylor University
Stefan Brandle, Taylor University

11:50 AM

1:50 PM

Integrating Advanced Payload Data Processing in a Demanding CubeSat Mission

Mark McCrum, Bright Ascension Ltd
Peter Mendham, Bright Ascension Ltd

1:50 PM

2:10 PM

Stay on the Path - Sticking to your Selected CubeSat Mission to Achieve Project Success

Jeroen Rotteveel, Innovative Solutions In Space BV
Zeger de Groot, Innovative Solutions In Space BV

2:10 PM

2:30 PM

E-Field Instruments for CubeSats

Marcin Pilinski, ASTRA LLC.
Geoff Crowley, ASTRA LLC.
Chad Fish, ASTRA LCC.
Charles Swenson, Utah State University
Erik Stromberg, SDL

2:30 PM

2:50 PM

Time Capsule to Mars Overview

Cassidy Chan, Draper Laboratory
Emily Briere, Stanford University
Sanford Morton, Duke University

2:50 PM

3:40 PM

Lights Out: Evolution of an Automated Ground Segment for Operation of the Aerospace CubeSat Constellation

Christopher Coffman, The Aerospace Corporation
Darren Rowen, The Aerospace Corporation
Joseph Gangestad, The Aerospace Corporation
Brian Hardy, The Aerospace Corporation

3:40 PM

4:00 PM

How a Lightweight RTOS can Drive CubeSat Flight Software Functionality

Andrew Kalman, Pumpkin, Inc.

4:00 PM

4:20 PM

A CubeSat Programme for the Demonstration of a Miniaturised Entangled Photon Source for Quantum Key Distribution.

Robert Bedington, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Rakhitha Chandrasekara, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
Alexander Ling, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore

4:20 PM

4:40 PM

A LEO CubeSat Mission for Mapping Spot Beams of GEO Comm-Satellites

Jacob LaSarge, Air Force Institute of Technology
Jonathan Black
Brad King
Gary Duke

4:40 PM

5:00 PM

PSAT- A Remote Data Relay Satellite with PSK31 Transponder

Robert Bruninga, US Naval Academy

5:00 PM

Monday, August 10th
11:30 AM

JPL's Advanced CubeSat Concepts for Deep Space Exploration

Sara Spangelo, NASA JPL/Caltech
Julie Castillo-Rogez, NASA JPL/Caltech
Andy Frick, NASA JPL/Caltech
Andy Klesh, NASA JPL/Caltech
Brent Sherwood, NASA JPL/Caltech

11:30 AM