DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Quick-Turn, Low Cost Spacecraft Development Principles


Session III: The Big Picture


Adoption of small spacecraft form factors and commercial off the shelf electronics can enable quickturn, low-cost development cycles. However, spacecraft miniaturization does not always involve reduction in system complexity and poses many unique technical and programmatic challenges relative to traditional aerospace approaches. Successful execution hinges on the availability of flexible spacecraft bus hardware and software, vertically integrated development and agile program management.

Leveraging these development principles, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc. has managed numerous parallel small-spacecraft development cycles. Activities within the last 18-months include three rapidturn 1U CubeSats, four state of the art 3U CubeSats, a multi-phase commercial CubeSat program totaling five 6U CubeSats and five additional ongoing DOD and proprietary concept-to-launch vehicle development efforts. Tyvak has launched and operated a number of these vehicles providing end-toend technology and process validation as well as invaluable lessons-learned benefiting ongoing enhancement of institutional best-practices.

An overview of Tyvak's quick-turn missions is provided, with specific emphasis on the ever-evolving development cycle principles as influenced by lessons learned from Tyvak's design-build-operate experience.


Aug 6th, 2:00 PM

Quick-Turn, Low Cost Spacecraft Development Principles

Adoption of small spacecraft form factors and commercial off the shelf electronics can enable quickturn, low-cost development cycles. However, spacecraft miniaturization does not always involve reduction in system complexity and poses many unique technical and programmatic challenges relative to traditional aerospace approaches. Successful execution hinges on the availability of flexible spacecraft bus hardware and software, vertically integrated development and agile program management.

Leveraging these development principles, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc. has managed numerous parallel small-spacecraft development cycles. Activities within the last 18-months include three rapidturn 1U CubeSats, four state of the art 3U CubeSats, a multi-phase commercial CubeSat program totaling five 6U CubeSats and five additional ongoing DOD and proprietary concept-to-launch vehicle development efforts. Tyvak has launched and operated a number of these vehicles providing end-toend technology and process validation as well as invaluable lessons-learned benefiting ongoing enhancement of institutional best-practices.

An overview of Tyvak's quick-turn missions is provided, with specific emphasis on the ever-evolving development cycle principles as influenced by lessons learned from Tyvak's design-build-operate experience.