DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: TRL6 Testing of Hyperspectral Fourier Spectrometer Instrument for CubeSat Applications


Session 6: Science Mission Payloads 1


Hyperspectral infrared instruments have many potential applications in remote-sensing CubeSat constellations. This paper describes the design of a 6U-compatible infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer (FTS) instrument that is designed for meteorological and remote sensing applications, and describes the results of an environmental test campaign designed to increase the technology readiness level (TRL) of the instrument to TRL6. It includes a description of the major subsystems of the instrument, as well as performance test data before and after exposure. Potential applications for this instrument are discussed.




Aug 8th, 12:00 AM

TRL6 Testing of Hyperspectral Fourier Spectrometer Instrument for CubeSat Applications

Hyperspectral infrared instruments have many potential applications in remote-sensing CubeSat constellations. This paper describes the design of a 6U-compatible infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer (FTS) instrument that is designed for meteorological and remote sensing applications, and describes the results of an environmental test campaign designed to increase the technology readiness level (TRL) of the instrument to TRL6. It includes a description of the major subsystems of the instrument, as well as performance test data before and after exposure. Potential applications for this instrument are discussed.