DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Quad-Thruster FEMTA Micropropulsion System for Cubesat 1-Axis Control


Session 3: Propulsion


The need for compact, low-power micropropulsion systems to increase the maneuverability and lifespan of CubeSats has increased significantly as nanosat missions have become more ubiquitous and complex. The Film- Evaporation MEMS Tunable Array (FEMTA) thruster is a novel micropropulsion technology that exploits thermally controlled microcapillaries to generate micronewton thrust using liquid water as propellant. Here we present the design and testing of four FEMTA thrusters integrated into a 1U CubeSat prototype with the necessary electronics and an inertial measurement unit sensor to monitor the 1U-quad-thruster FEMTA CubeSat Model’s attitude. The model was tested in the Purdue University High Vacuum Facility’s large vacuum chamber for single-axis control using the FEMTA propulsion system. The experimental data on CubeSat rotation at a slew rate of about 5 deg/sec activated by FEMTA systems with < 1 Watt input power show that FEMTA is a viable method for attitude control of CubeSats.

katherine_fowee.pdf (134199 kB)


Aug 5th, 1:15 PM

Quad-Thruster FEMTA Micropropulsion System for Cubesat 1-Axis Control

The need for compact, low-power micropropulsion systems to increase the maneuverability and lifespan of CubeSats has increased significantly as nanosat missions have become more ubiquitous and complex. The Film- Evaporation MEMS Tunable Array (FEMTA) thruster is a novel micropropulsion technology that exploits thermally controlled microcapillaries to generate micronewton thrust using liquid water as propellant. Here we present the design and testing of four FEMTA thrusters integrated into a 1U CubeSat prototype with the necessary electronics and an inertial measurement unit sensor to monitor the 1U-quad-thruster FEMTA CubeSat Model’s attitude. The model was tested in the Purdue University High Vacuum Facility’s large vacuum chamber for single-axis control using the FEMTA propulsion system. The experimental data on CubeSat rotation at a slew rate of about 5 deg/sec activated by FEMTA systems with < 1 Watt input power show that FEMTA is a viable method for attitude control of CubeSats.