DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: The Development of "nSight-1" - Earth Observation and Science in 2U


Session 10: Year In Review


nSight-1 (QB50 AZ02) is a 2U size satellite developed in South Africa as part of the international EU-funded QB50 project. The satellite carries two main payloads: an atmospheric science instrument and an imager for Earth observation. Mission-specific challenges included integrating our imaging hardware into the severely space-and-power constrained 2U form factor enforced by the QB50 mission. Additionally, the available UHF data link needs to simultaneously serve the atmospheric science payload as well as the intended imaging mission. nSight-1 serves as a benchmark for CubeSat programmes, having been completed in full compliance with the QB50 project and launch requirements in a mere 6 months.

Deployment into orbit was achieved on 25 May 2017. We present our programme’s development and early commissioning results, paying specific attention to nSight-1’s role as Earth Observation technology demonstrator.



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Aug 9th, 12:00 AM

The Development of "nSight-1" - Earth Observation and Science in 2U

nSight-1 (QB50 AZ02) is a 2U size satellite developed in South Africa as part of the international EU-funded QB50 project. The satellite carries two main payloads: an atmospheric science instrument and an imager for Earth observation. Mission-specific challenges included integrating our imaging hardware into the severely space-and-power constrained 2U form factor enforced by the QB50 mission. Additionally, the available UHF data link needs to simultaneously serve the atmospheric science payload as well as the intended imaging mission. nSight-1 serves as a benchmark for CubeSat programmes, having been completed in full compliance with the QB50 project and launch requirements in a mere 6 months.

Deployment into orbit was achieved on 25 May 2017. We present our programme’s development and early commissioning results, paying specific attention to nSight-1’s role as Earth Observation technology demonstrator.