DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Optimized Flight Preparation Process for the First Vega Ride-Share Mission


Session 4: Delivering Mission Success


The first European ride-share mission will be carried out by the Vega launch system in mid 2019. The VEGA PoC (Proof of Concept) flight using the SSMS (Small Satellite Mission Service) hardware was conceived in the context of ESA LLL Initiative. This paper describes the Light Sats aggregate selection process and the preparation of the first European ride-share mission with Vega launcher, update on the hardware preparation status and provide insight on the methods and tools used for its implementation. Based on Vega flights accumulated experience, the development of multi-Payload mission concept started from analysis of the activities currently foreseen to fly a single payload mission adapted to the needs multi payload rideshare missions. Evaluation of impacts in terms of technical feasibility, missioning schedule and related programmatic and cost elements where considered for the missioning of the Light Sats launch service. Major elements of the process described in this paper envelope mission analysis, launch preparation including AIT approach and launch service aspects with customers, before and after launch service agreement signature. The described process is intended to constitute a first step using the Vega launch system, useful towards the ultimate goal to support the definition of a finally optimized process applicable to all European launchers.


Aug 8th, 12:00 AM

Optimized Flight Preparation Process for the First Vega Ride-Share Mission

The first European ride-share mission will be carried out by the Vega launch system in mid 2019. The VEGA PoC (Proof of Concept) flight using the SSMS (Small Satellite Mission Service) hardware was conceived in the context of ESA LLL Initiative. This paper describes the Light Sats aggregate selection process and the preparation of the first European ride-share mission with Vega launcher, update on the hardware preparation status and provide insight on the methods and tools used for its implementation. Based on Vega flights accumulated experience, the development of multi-Payload mission concept started from analysis of the activities currently foreseen to fly a single payload mission adapted to the needs multi payload rideshare missions. Evaluation of impacts in terms of technical feasibility, missioning schedule and related programmatic and cost elements where considered for the missioning of the Light Sats launch service. Major elements of the process described in this paper envelope mission analysis, launch preparation including AIT approach and launch service aspects with customers, before and after launch service agreement signature. The described process is intended to constitute a first step using the Vega launch system, useful towards the ultimate goal to support the definition of a finally optimized process applicable to all European launchers.