DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: SmallSat Solar Axion X-ray Imager (SSAXI)


Session 7: Science / Mission Payloads II


The axion is a promising dark matter candidate as well as a solution to the strong charge-parity (CP) problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Therefore, discovery of axions will have far-reaching consequences in astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics. We describe a new concept for SmallSat Solar Axion X-ray Telescope (SSAXI) to search for solar axions or axion-like particles (ALPs). Axions or ALPs are expected to emerge abundantly from the core of stars like the Sun. SSAXI employs Miniature lightweight Wolter-I focusing X-ray optics (MiXO) and monolithic CMOS X-ray sensors to form a sensitive X-ray imaging spectrometer in a compact package (~10 x 10 x 60 cm). The wide energy range (~0.5 – 5 keV) of SSAXI is suitable for capturing the prime spectral feature of axion-converted X-rays (peaking at ~3 – 4 keV) from solar X-ray spectra. The high angular resolution (~30 arcsec) and large field of view (~40 arcmin) in SSAXI will easily resolve the enhanced X-ray flux over the 3 arcmin wide solar core while fully covering the X-ray activity over the entire solar disc.


Aug 8th, 8:15 AM

SmallSat Solar Axion X-ray Imager (SSAXI)

The axion is a promising dark matter candidate as well as a solution to the strong charge-parity (CP) problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Therefore, discovery of axions will have far-reaching consequences in astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics. We describe a new concept for SmallSat Solar Axion X-ray Telescope (SSAXI) to search for solar axions or axion-like particles (ALPs). Axions or ALPs are expected to emerge abundantly from the core of stars like the Sun. SSAXI employs Miniature lightweight Wolter-I focusing X-ray optics (MiXO) and monolithic CMOS X-ray sensors to form a sensitive X-ray imaging spectrometer in a compact package (~10 x 10 x 60 cm). The wide energy range (~0.5 – 5 keV) of SSAXI is suitable for capturing the prime spectral feature of axion-converted X-rays (peaking at ~3 – 4 keV) from solar X-ray spectra. The high angular resolution (~30 arcsec) and large field of view (~40 arcmin) in SSAXI will easily resolve the enhanced X-ray flux over the 3 arcmin wide solar core while fully covering the X-ray activity over the entire solar disc.