
Session VII: Advanced Technologies I


Utah State University, Logan, UT


We are developing a 30kg class microsatellite “HIBARI”. The main technical missions for HIBARI is demonstration a novel attitude control method called “Variable Shape Attitude Control (VSAC)” proposed by Matunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology. This VSAC is based on an idea to utilize a reaction torque generated by changing the shape of satellites, for example driving solar array paddles by actuators. HIBARI is planned to be launched within a few years under “Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program” led by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). We designed the concept of HIBARI and describes those in this paper. Specifically, we confirmed the validity of the mission and system, and selected equipment based on radiation tolerance tests and orbital results in the past. Currently we are making Breadboard Model and checking its operation. We plan to develop Engineering Model and Proto-Fright model and conduct various ground tests this year, and proceed to Fright Model next year.


Aug 7th, 8:15 AM

Concept Design and Development of 30kg Microsatellite HIBARI for Demonstration of Variable Shape Attitude Control

Utah State University, Logan, UT

We are developing a 30kg class microsatellite “HIBARI”. The main technical missions for HIBARI is demonstration a novel attitude control method called “Variable Shape Attitude Control (VSAC)” proposed by Matunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology. This VSAC is based on an idea to utilize a reaction torque generated by changing the shape of satellites, for example driving solar array paddles by actuators. HIBARI is planned to be launched within a few years under “Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program” led by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). We designed the concept of HIBARI and describes those in this paper. Specifically, we confirmed the validity of the mission and system, and selected equipment based on radiation tolerance tests and orbital results in the past. Currently we are making Breadboard Model and checking its operation. We plan to develop Engineering Model and Proto-Fright model and conduct various ground tests this year, and proceed to Fright Model next year.