DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Utilization of the Software Communication Architecture for Software Defined Radio Waveform Development


Session VIII: FJR Student Competition


Utah State University, Logan, UT


The Software Communication Architecture (SCA) is a method developed for the U.S military's Joint Tactical Radio Systems that aims to standardized the way in which software defined radios for the U.S armed forces are to be configured and built. Most developmental software defined radios use proprietary software such as GNURadio Companion (GRC) or Gqrx SDR to construct waveforms for RF applications. Here we utilize a suite of tools called eCo Architect and eCo Inspector developed by NordiaSoft, which conforms the end-to-end waveform to satisfy the SCA requirements. In this paper, we present an evaluation on waveform development using the SCA in a lab environment of integrating two waveforms using NordiaSoft's eCo Suite in conjunction with an Ettus E310 Software Defined Radio (SDR). A comparison in data packet recovery between GRC and eCo Suite was also performed. The same waveforms were used in both GRC and eCo Suite with differences in component algorithm construction.


Aug 7th, 11:15 AM

Utilization of the Software Communication Architecture for Software Defined Radio Waveform Development

Utah State University, Logan, UT

The Software Communication Architecture (SCA) is a method developed for the U.S military's Joint Tactical Radio Systems that aims to standardized the way in which software defined radios for the U.S armed forces are to be configured and built. Most developmental software defined radios use proprietary software such as GNURadio Companion (GRC) or Gqrx SDR to construct waveforms for RF applications. Here we utilize a suite of tools called eCo Architect and eCo Inspector developed by NordiaSoft, which conforms the end-to-end waveform to satisfy the SCA requirements. In this paper, we present an evaluation on waveform development using the SCA in a lab environment of integrating two waveforms using NordiaSoft's eCo Suite in conjunction with an Ettus E310 Software Defined Radio (SDR). A comparison in data packet recovery between GRC and eCo Suite was also performed. The same waveforms were used in both GRC and eCo Suite with differences in component algorithm construction.