DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Generic Portable Virtual Reality Satellite Swarm Ground Station


Session IX: Ground Systems


Utah State University, Logan, UT


In the space community, there is a huge challenge in the complexity of satellite swarm missions at either ground station control or data reception. Virtual reality (VR) technology could open the door to a new concept of satellite operation. Such technology is the future of these space mission cost reduction and portability. In this paper, this approach is presented with the state of the art technology of the VR (Oculus drift) with a communication module functionality of the ground station will be implemented by a software defined radio (The cortex machine by Zodiac Company) which contains all the physical and data link layer: modulation, coding and CCSDS packing .The verification of the operational scenario is fully implemented and tested for a constellation of 5 satellites around the earth using the model based system engineering ( SysMl language). In addition, SysMl is used to describe the system engineering model of the space mission VR environment. Operator visualizes the telemetry of the concurrent satellites swarm in presence of a specific actor (Avatar gloves) to interact with the space mission status with that virtual ground station, thus facilitating the portability of the ground station with a complex graphical user interface presenting the command and telemetry of the satellites constellation.


Aug 7th, 2:45 PM

Generic Portable Virtual Reality Satellite Swarm Ground Station

Utah State University, Logan, UT

In the space community, there is a huge challenge in the complexity of satellite swarm missions at either ground station control or data reception. Virtual reality (VR) technology could open the door to a new concept of satellite operation. Such technology is the future of these space mission cost reduction and portability. In this paper, this approach is presented with the state of the art technology of the VR (Oculus drift) with a communication module functionality of the ground station will be implemented by a software defined radio (The cortex machine by Zodiac Company) which contains all the physical and data link layer: modulation, coding and CCSDS packing .The verification of the operational scenario is fully implemented and tested for a constellation of 5 satellites around the earth using the model based system engineering ( SysMl language). In addition, SysMl is used to describe the system engineering model of the space mission VR environment. Operator visualizes the telemetry of the concurrent satellites swarm in presence of a specific actor (Avatar gloves) to interact with the space mission status with that virtual ground station, thus facilitating the portability of the ground station with a complex graphical user interface presenting the command and telemetry of the satellites constellation.