DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: VV16: The First VEGA Rideshare Mission Flight


Technical Session VIII: Space Access


Utah State University, Logan, UT


The SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) program is a new multi-launch concept for the Vega and Vega C launchers, thanks to a new modular dispenser for the Small Satellites Market. The Vega Proof of Concept (POC) flight using the SSMS hardware was developed in the context of ESA LLL Initiative (Light satellite, Low cost, launch opportunities) to provide solutions and services for the 1-400 kg mass class. The SSMS POC mission is foreseen to fly on VEGA VV16 flight on August 2020, following the last flight VV15 in July 2019.

The paper describes the lesson learned of this first rideshare mission flight due to late definition or evolution of the satellites aggregate. On one hand the missionization process needs to become more standardized and with increased genericity (ad-hoc margin policy) in order to cover the continuous changes. On the other hand, the satellites should try to adapt to the standardized SSMS interfaces to simplify and shorten the mission preparation time. Based on the accumulated experience of the previous flights, the development of the multi-Payload mission concept started from the analysis of the activities to fly a single payload mission adapted to the needs of multi payload rideshare missions.

Aggregation activities partially performed in Europe for the first time and completed in French Guiana, assembling, testing and integration into the Payload fairing, as well as relationships with clients and operators during the flight preparation campaign are not reported in this paper.

Vega SSMS first Mission carried 43 different satellites ranging from 1 to 150 Kg from more than 10 different operators; this milestone represents a major advancement towards the goal to provide access to space for Small Satellites

SSC20-VIII-08.pptx (11533 kB)


Aug 1st, 12:00 AM

VV16: The First VEGA Rideshare Mission Flight

Utah State University, Logan, UT

The SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) program is a new multi-launch concept for the Vega and Vega C launchers, thanks to a new modular dispenser for the Small Satellites Market. The Vega Proof of Concept (POC) flight using the SSMS hardware was developed in the context of ESA LLL Initiative (Light satellite, Low cost, launch opportunities) to provide solutions and services for the 1-400 kg mass class. The SSMS POC mission is foreseen to fly on VEGA VV16 flight on August 2020, following the last flight VV15 in July 2019.

The paper describes the lesson learned of this first rideshare mission flight due to late definition or evolution of the satellites aggregate. On one hand the missionization process needs to become more standardized and with increased genericity (ad-hoc margin policy) in order to cover the continuous changes. On the other hand, the satellites should try to adapt to the standardized SSMS interfaces to simplify and shorten the mission preparation time. Based on the accumulated experience of the previous flights, the development of the multi-Payload mission concept started from the analysis of the activities to fly a single payload mission adapted to the needs of multi payload rideshare missions.

Aggregation activities partially performed in Europe for the first time and completed in French Guiana, assembling, testing and integration into the Payload fairing, as well as relationships with clients and operators during the flight preparation campaign are not reported in this paper.

Vega SSMS first Mission carried 43 different satellites ranging from 1 to 150 Kg from more than 10 different operators; this milestone represents a major advancement towards the goal to provide access to space for Small Satellites