
Pre-Conference Poster Session I


Utah State University, Logan, UT


The passive deployer mechanism will fly on Virginia Tech’s ThinSat mission, VT ThickSat, scheduled to launch along with the resupply mission to the ISS, NG-15. This mission is a proof-of-concept that could lead to similar deployable structures in future missions, e.g., solar sails and solar panel deployments. The mission-critical objective is to demonstrate a passive deployment mechanism in space. The boom is required to release itself from the coiled state using only its stored elastic energy. Furthermore, the mechanism takes advantage of a scalable chassis, built for the same mission, restricting it to fit within the space of a 5 x 1T ThinSat form factor. This poster showcases the design progression of the deployer.


Aug 1st, 12:00 AM

VT ThickSat: A Passive Deployer Mechanism for a Carbon Fiber Tape Spring in the ThinSat Program

Utah State University, Logan, UT

The passive deployer mechanism will fly on Virginia Tech’s ThinSat mission, VT ThickSat, scheduled to launch along with the resupply mission to the ISS, NG-15. This mission is a proof-of-concept that could lead to similar deployable structures in future missions, e.g., solar sails and solar panel deployments. The mission-critical objective is to demonstrate a passive deployment mechanism in space. The boom is required to release itself from the coiled state using only its stored elastic energy. Furthermore, the mechanism takes advantage of a scalable chassis, built for the same mission, restricting it to fit within the space of a 5 x 1T ThinSat form factor. This poster showcases the design progression of the deployer.