DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: An Updated Overview of the Satellite Networked Open Ground Stations (SatNOGS) Project


Weekday Session 6: Advanced Technologies II


Utah State University, Logan, UT


An overview of the SatNOGS project, a network of satellite ground stations around the world, optimized for modularity, built from readily available and affordable tools and resources. The rate of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite launches increases with the participation of old and new entities. In this growing environment, SatNOGS provides a scalable and modular solution to track, identify, receive telemetry from, monitor, and assist operators in command/control of satellites. The SatNOGS global community, dedicated to its free and open-source values, develops hardware ground station designs (antennas, rotators, electronics), software for SDR-based communications, satellite scheduling and mission monitoring platforms. SatNOGS continuously develops and improves its infrastructure to allow observers to use this networked ground segment and remotely operate SatNOGS ground stations around the world. It also provides an easy way to store, access and view increasingly received satellites data, by supporting VHF, UHF, L and S bands.


Aug 9th, 5:15 PM

An Updated Overview of the Satellite Networked Open Ground Stations (SatNOGS) Project

Utah State University, Logan, UT

An overview of the SatNOGS project, a network of satellite ground stations around the world, optimized for modularity, built from readily available and affordable tools and resources. The rate of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite launches increases with the participation of old and new entities. In this growing environment, SatNOGS provides a scalable and modular solution to track, identify, receive telemetry from, monitor, and assist operators in command/control of satellites. The SatNOGS global community, dedicated to its free and open-source values, develops hardware ground station designs (antennas, rotators, electronics), software for SDR-based communications, satellite scheduling and mission monitoring platforms. SatNOGS continuously develops and improves its infrastructure to allow observers to use this networked ground segment and remotely operate SatNOGS ground stations around the world. It also provides an easy way to store, access and view increasingly received satellites data, by supporting VHF, UHF, L and S bands.