DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Development of a Simulation Framework for CubeSat Performance Modeling


Weekend Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Space systems are notoriously difficult to develop due to the nature of the environment in which they must operate. Designers have only a limited window to ensure systems will function as intended, placing a high importance on testing. This paper discussed the ongoing development of a simulation framework to support Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing of CubeSat subsystem hardware. This work is being conducted at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in support of the institution’s CubeSat program. The simulation framework is organized into the classic spacecraft subsystems. Each of these subsystems will support a software model and interfaces for the integration of flight hardware into the simulation framework. In demonstration of this concept, propulsion hardware has been successfully integrated into the model environment. Telemetry reception and command transmission within the simulation framework is functional and demonstrated. A loop containing the propulsion hardware, simple controller, and orbital motion propagator was developed to demonstrate the HIL test functionality of the simulation framework. This focus on the development of the propulsion HIL test configuration is a point of distinction from other HIL simulations, which typically focus on the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Presented results validate successful integration of propulsion subsystem hardware into the simulation framework. Future work will focus on the integration of CubeSat subsystem models into the framework.


Aug 6th, 10:15 AM

Development of a Simulation Framework for CubeSat Performance Modeling

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Space systems are notoriously difficult to develop due to the nature of the environment in which they must operate. Designers have only a limited window to ensure systems will function as intended, placing a high importance on testing. This paper discussed the ongoing development of a simulation framework to support Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing of CubeSat subsystem hardware. This work is being conducted at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in support of the institution’s CubeSat program. The simulation framework is organized into the classic spacecraft subsystems. Each of these subsystems will support a software model and interfaces for the integration of flight hardware into the simulation framework. In demonstration of this concept, propulsion hardware has been successfully integrated into the model environment. Telemetry reception and command transmission within the simulation framework is functional and demonstrated. A loop containing the propulsion hardware, simple controller, and orbital motion propagator was developed to demonstrate the HIL test functionality of the simulation framework. This focus on the development of the propulsion HIL test configuration is a point of distinction from other HIL simulations, which typically focus on the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Presented results validate successful integration of propulsion subsystem hardware into the simulation framework. Future work will focus on the integration of CubeSat subsystem models into the framework.