Technical Poster Session 3
Utah State University, Logan, UT
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Space System Working Group (SSWG) has created the CubeSat System Reference Model™ (CSRM™) intended for use by system architects and engineers as a starting point to develop the physical architecture of the Space and Ground segments of the CubeSat mission of interest to them. The CSRM is based on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) principles, is System Modeling Language™ (SysML™) v1.7 compliant, and hosted in a graphical modeling tool. The CSRM has been submitted to the Object Management Group (OMG) and is in the finalization process to become an OMG Specification.
With the development of the CSRM nearing completion, the INCOSE SSWG is now researching how features of the CSRM can be used at a higher level to support Mission Engineering (ME). ME, a concept where the mission itself is looked at as a system, is being explored as a means to maintain balance between the spacecraft system, operations (including ground systems), and the mission (the integration of needed capabilities).
An earlier paper provided an initial assessment of where the CSRM supports ME activities and where there are areas that require further research. That paper proposed a way forward that included a set of activities needed to completely define what additions would be required to extend the CSRM to fully support ME. One of those activities was to analyze the CSRM for additional artifacts which could be added to the containment tree for key elements of ME activities that do not map to the CSRM. This paper provides the results of performing that activity for two ME activities: the Mission Architecting Activity and the Mission-oriented Systems-of-Systems (SoS) Implementation Activity.
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Mission Engineering and the CubeSat System Reference Model - Status #2
Utah State University, Logan, UT
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Space System Working Group (SSWG) has created the CubeSat System Reference Model™ (CSRM™) intended for use by system architects and engineers as a starting point to develop the physical architecture of the Space and Ground segments of the CubeSat mission of interest to them. The CSRM is based on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) principles, is System Modeling Language™ (SysML™) v1.7 compliant, and hosted in a graphical modeling tool. The CSRM has been submitted to the Object Management Group (OMG) and is in the finalization process to become an OMG Specification.
With the development of the CSRM nearing completion, the INCOSE SSWG is now researching how features of the CSRM can be used at a higher level to support Mission Engineering (ME). ME, a concept where the mission itself is looked at as a system, is being explored as a means to maintain balance between the spacecraft system, operations (including ground systems), and the mission (the integration of needed capabilities).
An earlier paper provided an initial assessment of where the CSRM supports ME activities and where there are areas that require further research. That paper proposed a way forward that included a set of activities needed to completely define what additions would be required to extend the CSRM to fully support ME. One of those activities was to analyze the CSRM for additional artifacts which could be added to the containment tree for key elements of ME activities that do not map to the CSRM. This paper provides the results of performing that activity for two ME activities: the Mission Architecting Activity and the Mission-oriented Systems-of-Systems (SoS) Implementation Activity.