DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Task Oriented Programming for the RC64 Manycore DSP


Technical Poster Session 3


Utah State University, Logan, UT


RC64 is a rad-hard manycore DSP combining 64 VLIW/SIMD DSP cores, lock-free shared memory, a hardware scheduler and a task-based programming model. The hardware scheduler enables fast scheduling and allocation of fine grain tasks to all cores. Parallel programming is based on Tasks.

SSC22-P3-11.pdf (640 kB)


Aug 10th, 9:45 AM

Task Oriented Programming for the RC64 Manycore DSP

Utah State University, Logan, UT

RC64 is a rad-hard manycore DSP combining 64 VLIW/SIMD DSP cores, lock-free shared memory, a hardware scheduler and a task-based programming model. The hardware scheduler enables fast scheduling and allocation of fine grain tasks to all cores. Parallel programming is based on Tasks.