DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: CubeSat Single-Photon Detector Module for Performing In-Orbit Laser Annealing to Heal Radiation Damage


Weekend Session 1: Advanced Concepts - Research & Academia I


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Silicon-based single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs), widely considered for satellite-based quantum communications, suffer a constant increase of dark count rate (DCR) from radiation-induced proton displacement damage in their active areas. When this accumulated damage causes the DCR to exceed a certain threshold (for example, 10,000 counts per second), the SPADs become unreliable for quantum communications, limiting mission lifetime. Previous ground experiments showed that radiation-induced DCR of synthetically irradiated SPADs could be significantly improved by high-power laser annealing, a localized heating of SPADs’ active areas using a focused laser beam. The next step is therefore to demonstrate realtime laser annealing on constantly irradiated SPADs in actual low-Earth-orbit is viable. To facilitate this study, the University of Waterloo team built a miniaturized software controllable SPAD module as part of the annealing payload on CAPSat (Cool Annealing Payload Satellite), a 3U CubeSat satellite developed by a team from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. We present the concept of in-orbit laser annealing and the electronic platform of the SPAD module containing four detectors supporting thermal and laser annealing and detector characterization. The CAPSat, launched and deployed in a low-Earth orbit at 400 km altitude from the International Space Station in October 2021, was intended to assess the viability of this approach before incorporating SPADs in future quantum satellite missions, especially in quantum receivers.


Aug 6th, 9:30 AM

CubeSat Single-Photon Detector Module for Performing In-Orbit Laser Annealing to Heal Radiation Damage

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Silicon-based single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs), widely considered for satellite-based quantum communications, suffer a constant increase of dark count rate (DCR) from radiation-induced proton displacement damage in their active areas. When this accumulated damage causes the DCR to exceed a certain threshold (for example, 10,000 counts per second), the SPADs become unreliable for quantum communications, limiting mission lifetime. Previous ground experiments showed that radiation-induced DCR of synthetically irradiated SPADs could be significantly improved by high-power laser annealing, a localized heating of SPADs’ active areas using a focused laser beam. The next step is therefore to demonstrate realtime laser annealing on constantly irradiated SPADs in actual low-Earth-orbit is viable. To facilitate this study, the University of Waterloo team built a miniaturized software controllable SPAD module as part of the annealing payload on CAPSat (Cool Annealing Payload Satellite), a 3U CubeSat satellite developed by a team from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. We present the concept of in-orbit laser annealing and the electronic platform of the SPAD module containing four detectors supporting thermal and laser annealing and detector characterization. The CAPSat, launched and deployed in a low-Earth orbit at 400 km altitude from the International Space Station in October 2021, was intended to assess the viability of this approach before incorporating SPADs in future quantum satellite missions, especially in quantum receivers.